Thursday, 17 February 2011

A moment of revelation

A dream's dusk..
(proved to be)
a truth's dawning,

of lives imprinted
countless the number

In a flash they passed
and I knew
I had lived here, cycles aplenty

Life as I know it, is fleeting

(Yes)I had an encounter with truth
'twas at the edge of a dream.


  1. why.. o why can't dream and truth co-exist in harmony.. ye raaz samajhna kaafi mushqil hai

  2. I am not sure if my post has conveyed it's real meaning to you. I will not ruin it by giving a lengthy explanation here :D.
    I felt a need to jot this down more for myself than for any reader... for, this moment of reality I experienced is of real value to me and probably cannot be understood till it is actually felt. Sort of déjà vu. Mere reading or listening about it from different sources is just not the same.
    If I still haven't made sense, hopefully we can discuss indepth..soon.. face to face ;)

  3. awesome ...
    reminded me of the poem of dilip chitre from the movie 'ardh-satya'

  4. Thanks Kayal :). Appreciate all your comments on this as well as the other blog (which btw I don't update any more).
